Tuesday, August 30, 2011

God Says "I Am Giving You Myself!"

This week I'm taking a moment to reflect on the power of this first chapter of book IV.
Thomas wrenches it all down for us, doesn't he? In this chapter he wonders at our unmerited grace and our unworthiness...and then wonders how God deigns to give us Himself. Shades of St. Augustine.

Cell Penetration: Eucharist & You
 By receiving Holy Communion, God infuses Himself into our very being. By His physical Presence, He uses the material world to penetrate our very cells with His Being...His Flesh, His Blood, so that we may become more like Him. He enters our hearts by becoming ingested particles, our brains soak Him in not just through listening to His Word, but by The Word becoming fles, our flesh, ands dwelling among us.

I recall how joyful Donna would be when we were expecting, since as she received Holy Communion, she knew that The Body and Blood of Christ soared through her veins to the baby inside of her.

As we explore more of book IV, keep this chapter in mind as a proof text for all the pieces that follow...and there are many beautiful chapters to come. One in particular I cannot wait to write about for a friend who is patiently waiting to join the Church and receive Holy Communion. More on that when we get to book IV, Chapter 14. Perhaps I will write about that first. The structure of this book is more of selective meditations than a discourse.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Will Trade Sins for Food

How do we receive strength from The Blessed Sacrament?  By trading our sins for the restoration that is promised from the Food at the Altar(Jn 6:55).  
Christ's Body & Blood

Thomas brings the first chapter of Book IV to a close by bringing us to the reception of the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ.

11. Oh, the wonderful and hidden grace of this Sacrament, which only the faithful of Christ know, but unbelievers and such as are slaves to sin cannot experience.

In this Sacrament is conferred spiritual grace; lost virtue is repaired in the soul; and beauty disfigured by sin returns again.
And so great sometimes is this grace that from the abundance of devotion that is bestowed, not only the mind, but the frail body also feels a great increase of strength.
12. Yet it is much to be lamented and pitied that we should be so lukewarm and negligent as not to be drawn with greater affections to the receiving of Christ, in Whom consists all the hope and merit of those that shall be saved.
For He is our sanctification and our redemption; he is our comfort in our pilgrimage, and the eternal beatitude of the saints.
It is therefore much to be lamented that many regarded so lightly this saving mystery which rejoices heaven and preserves the whole world.
Oh, the blindness and hardness of the heart of man that does not more highly prize so unspeakable a gift; and from daily use falls into a disregard of it.

Thomas ends the chapter with a thought that hearkens back to his earlier chastisement about chasing after the bones of saints....why? When the Real Thing is as close as your local Church?
13. For if this most Holy Sacrament were only celebrated in one place, and consecrated by only one priest in the world, how great a desire would men have to go to that place, and to such a priest of God; that they might see the divine mysteries celebrated?

But now there are made many priests, and Christ is offered up in many places, that the grace and love of God to man may appear the greater, the more this Sacred Communion is spread throughout the world.

A prayer of Thanksgiving closes this all-important chapter.  Using Christ's own words of invitation so that we do not make any mistakes as to Who is doing the asking:
Thanks be to You, O Good Jesus, our Eternal Shepherd, Who has graciously agreed to feed us poor exiles with Your precious Body and Blood, and to invited us to receive these mysteries with the very words of Your own Mouth, saying: “Come to Me, all you that labor and are burdened, and I will refresh you.” Matt 11:28.
Thank you for praying along with me.
Until next time, be Imitators of Christ!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Low Hanging Fruit is Ready for Picking!

Why is it in our nature to look for those things which are mere curiosities when we have, in front of us, the answer to our desire?  Think for a minute about going from one grocery store to another, looking for some out-of-season fruit (say, pomegranates) and bypassing bushels of apples which are more abundant and less expensive.  Now, translate that into a religious pilgrimage in pursuit of piety.  Good Thomas teaches us today, that the low-hanging fruit is easier and (in this case) better, than the curious looking fruit higher up in the tree.

9. Many run to various places to visit the relics of the saints, and are astonished to hear of the saints’ wonderful works; they behold the noble church buildings and kiss the saints’ sacred bones, wrapped up in silk and gold.
And behold, I have You here present on the Altar, my God, the Saint of saints, the Creator of men, and the Lord of Angels.
Oftentimes in seeing these things men are moved with curiosity, and the novelty of the sight, and but little fruit of amendment is reaped thereby; especially when persons lightly run here and there, without true contrition for their sins.

But here, in the Sacrament of the Altar, You are wholly present, my God, the man Christ Jesus; where also the fruit of eternal salvation is plentifully reaped, as often as You are worthily and devoutly received.
And to this we are not drawn by any levity, curiosity, or sensuality;butby a firm faith, a devout hope, and a sincere charity.
Thomas now takes us into an ecstatic prayer to the Lord thanking Him for providing easy access to Himself through the Blessed Sacrament:
10. O God, the invisible Maker of the world, how wonderfully do You deal with us! How sweetly and graciously do You order all things in favor of Your elect, to whom You offer Yourself to be received in this Sacrament!

For this exceeds all understanding of man; this in a particular manner engages the hearts of the devout, and en kindles their love.*
For Your true faithful, who dispose their whole life to amendment, by this most worthy Sacrament, frequently receive a great grace of devotion and love of virtue.
*This passage reminded me of one of my favorite prayers to the Holy Spirit:
          "Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and kindle in them the fire of Your love. Send forth Your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.
          O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord, Amen"

Next time, we'll wrap up book 4, chapter 1, where Thomas will tie it all together for us.

Thank you for reading and praying along with me. 'Til next time, be Imitators of Christ!
