Sunday, January 15, 2012

More Temptations: Pappa Was A Rollin' Stone

In continuing to look at temptation, good Thomas examines how these temptations are laid out.  He examines the person who is ungrounded in prayer, or one who lacks confidence in what God can do in a situation of temptation. We will look at two saints and see what they practiced.  Thomas says that while we are all tempted, those of us who are grounded in prayer and faith stand a better chance than those of a fickle mind and conscience.  This reminded me of another Temptations song:  "Papa Was A Rollin' Stone."  Give it a listen while you read below and discover that temptation discovers who we are.
4. A fickle mind and low confidence in God is the beginning of all evil temptations.
For as a ship without a rudder is tossed to and fro by the waves, so the man who is remiss, and who quits his resolutions, is tempted in many ways.

Fire tries iron, and temptation tries a just man.

We often do not know what we can do but temptation discovers what we are.

However, we must be watchful, especially in the beginning of temptation, because then the enemy is easier overcome, if he is not suffered to come in at all at the door of the soul, but is keep out and resisted at his first knock.

From there a certain man said: “Withstand the beginning, after- remedies come too late.”

For first there comes into the mind a bare, simple thought; then a strong imagination; afterwards delight, and evil motion and then consent.

And so, little by little, the wicked enemy gains full entrance when he is not resisted in the beginning.

The slower we are in resisting temptation, the weaker one becomes daily, and the enemy becomes stronger.

As you read this next section, think of Mother Theresa, who was said to have had tremendous temptations and emptiness later in her life:  in other words, no consolation of God's grace.  The temptation to deny Him is the worst of temptations.  And so Thomas' counsel to pray more and not despair was Mother Teresa's answer.
5. Some suffer awful temptations in the beginning of their conversion, others in the end; and some are much troubled nearly their whole life.
6. We must not, therefore, despair when we are tempted, but more fervently pray for God to grant us help in every tribulation: who no doubt, according to the sayings of St. Paul, will make such issue with the temptation, that we may be able to sustain it (1 Cor 10:13).
Let us humble our souls under the hand of God in every temptation and tribulation; for the humble in spirit He will save and exalt.
St Therese of Lisieux

7. In temptations and tribulations you are proved as to what progress you have made; and in these there is great merit, and your virtue appears more evident.

Nor is it much if you are devout and fervent when you feel no trouble; but if in the time of adversity you bear up with patience, then there is hope of great advancement.

Some of you are preserved from great temptations and are often overcome in little daily ones; that, being humbled, you may never presume on yourselves in great things, who are weak in such small things.

Going out on a high note, listen to My Girl, where the Temptations elicit a wholesome love, even noting that riches mean nothing compared with "my girl".
Or, if you're tired of Temptations, try "Oh Lord, I'm on my way.." where Porgy, who really has plenty o' nuthin' heads into the Promised Land.

Next time, we will look at Chapter 14:

Until Next Time,
Thanks for reading and praying along with me.
*No trial has come to you but what is human. God is faithful and will not let you be tried beyond your strength; but with the trial he will also provide a way out, so that you may be able to bear it.

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