Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Book 1, CHAPTER 23. Of Meditation Upon Death

Every day we see it all around us:  Death.  In fact, these days, it's even a fashion statement. Aren't these ever-so-cute! 
Pope John Paul II said that we live in a culture of death.  And he was right.  This past century has witnessed the violent deaths of millions by war, persecution, genocide, abortion and more.

So, we know it's coming, either in by of calamity, or in the gentle darkness of the night, or through a virulent strain of an uncontrollable disease, like cancer or ALS.

Thomas, accordingly, offers us a profound meditation on our end-of-life.  His message is simple:  Get your house in order.  Avoid sin at all costs.  And don't think that you will be exempt from this event.

"Very quickly you will be gone from here; take heed, therefore, and pay attention on how it will be with you in the next world. Today man is, and tomorrow he will be seen no more. (1 Mc 2:63).

And being removed out of sight, you will also be quickly out of mind.

Oh, the dullness and hardness of our hearts, which think only of the present, and do not look forward to the future.

In every deed and thought we ought to order ourselves, as if we were to die this day.

If we have a good conscience we will not greatly fear death.

It would be better for us to flee from sin, than to fear death.(Dan 13:23)

If today we are not ready, how shall we be ready tomorrow? Tomorrow is an uncertainty; and how do you know even that there will be a tomorrow for you? (Jas 4:14)."

Next time we will look at the benefits (or not) of a long life.

Until then, thanks for praying along with me.
Be Imitators of Christ!

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