Sunday, July 15, 2012

On Being Prepared for the Inevitable

Why on earth must we prepare for death?  
Scouts & Washington
 by Norman Rockwell
Why will it matter?

It matters because we do not know our fate, and so we must rely on the current moment to repent and offer ourselves to God.

And so, like a good Scout, we should be prepared.  And in this extended meditation on death, Good Thomas gently warns us to take steps toward our salvation now, so that we do not "mourn bitterly".
"3. When it is morning reflect that it may be you shall not see the evening, and as the evening comes, do not dare to boast about tomorrow. Always be prepared, and live such that death may never find you unprepared.

Many die suddenly and unexpectedly. "For at such an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come (Matt 24:44)."
When your last hour comes, you will begin to think very differently of your whole life past, and will mourn bitterly that you have been so negligent and and remiss with your preparation (Wis 5).
Because our time here is uncertain and we should be ready to go without regrets, "into the West" (click here to listen) upon our journey's end.

Until next time, keep praying...keep preparing, and be Imitators of Christ!

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