Friday, February 1, 2013

How do you win the humility award?

The Humilty of Jesus, by Ariel Agemian

One of the shortest chapters in all four books, Chapter II of Book 2, is, appropriately, about humility. 

Good Thomas takes through a quick lesson on this key concept. Thomas prompts us to rely on The Lord to keep us humble: For example, keeping our mouth shut is easier than apologizing for an errant comment.  Ultimately, Thomas calls us to rely on God's deliverance when we are under attack. Thomas warns against being overly defensive, and says its OK to admit your defects, even having some trusted friends hold you accountable for your faulty behavior.

When we go this way of humility, God shelters us with His mantle of grace: protecting us, lifting us out of our dour moods from the pit and redirecting our eyes to Him (see, e.g.Psalms 40, and 27).

Finally, Thomas puts a "p.s." at the end of this chapter, telling us not to get too puffed up in what a great job we are doing being humble!


 Humble Submission

Do not worry yourself with counting who is for you or who is against you, but be mindful only of the present and take steps for God to be with you in whatever you do (Rm 8:31).  Have a good conscience and God will sufficiently defend you. For those whom God will help no man's malice can hurt.  If you know how to hold your peace and to endure suffering, you shall, without doubt, see the help of the Lord. God knows the time and the way to deliver you, therefore you must resign yourself to Him.  It belongs to God to help you and to deliver you from all confusion.  When others know and hold us accountable for our faults, it is often very helpful for keeping us in greater humility.

2. When you humble yourself for your defects, you then easily
pacify others and quickly satisfy those that are angry with you.  God protects and delivers the humble, He loves and comforts the humble, to the humble He inclines Himself, on the humble He bestows great grace(Prov 29:23): and when you are cast down God raises you to glory.

God reveals His secrets to the humble, and sweetly draws and invites you to Himself.  The humble, having received reproach, are yet sufficiently at peace, because the humble fix their gaze on God and not on the world.

Never think you have made any progress in the interior life until you look upon yourself inferior to all others.

Enjoy your weekend, and until next time, keep praying.
Be imitators of Christ!

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