Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Multi-Tasking Works: No Ordinary Moments

 From Bk 1, Ch 3 at paragraph 3, Good Thomas tells us:
A pure, simple and steady spirit is not dissipated by a multitude of affairs, because he performs them all to the honor of God, and endeavors to be at rest within himself and free from all self-seeking.
Looking at the daily tasks we all face in the modern world, it is comforting to know that in the 15th Century, our friends in the local monastery also faced this problem.  Think of trying to grow your own food, heat yourself, get water from somewhere, keep up with personal hygiene. Oh yeah, and this view takes changing a diaper to a whole 'nother level.

The key here is to perform all to the glory of God.
Whether we are sowing or planting or reaping or cooking the wheat, each event is an opportunity to give thanks and praise to Almighty God.  In this the ordinary drudgery of a task or tasks becomes extraordinary.

Accept for the moment that IN LIFE, THERE ARE NO ORDINARY MOMENTS.  No moment is ordinary if you are "offering it up" for God's Glory.  In return, He will show you the extraordinary aspects of the ordinary world we live in. 

Consider the the EXTRAORDINARY MOMENT OF PICKING UP AN EGG TO USE IN COOKING.  The egg is made of a porous shell, with a membrane, with a food supply for the embryo (yolk).  The porous aspect of the shell allows the chick to breathe as it grows.  Eggs don't need refrigeration, except after we wash or handle the eggs.  An incredible source of protein, the egg is almost a perfect food as it exits the chicken.  Or, if fertilized, you can wait 21 days for the chick to hatch, then feed the critter for a few months, and then start the process all over or start the barbecue! Thank you, Lord, for the beauty and simplicity of the incredible egg!

If you ask God, he will show you these extraordinary views of the "ordinary" items in daily life.  Don't overlook these unless you want to be bored out of your mind (and soul). Sometimes, when you pray for this capability, you will see things you've never seen before....as if you've been wearing sunglasses or, like St. Paul, scales will fall from your eyes. Acts 9:18
We plow through our hurried day with multiple tasks and chores on our mind and heart and in our hands.  We become human-doings instead of human-beings. The stress can be good stress if you are offering it up in prayer and thanksgiving; e.g. "Thank you, Jesus, for the over-stuffed comfy chair, so I can get my work done while taking care of the baby." 
God will reward you first, by helping you to acknowledge that there are No Ordinary Moments. Stopping to praise Him in your stress, He will give you consolation and the power to get through the trial(s) of the moment.  Second, when offering this multitude of tasks to His Honor, you will quickly  gain some perspective, such as being able to work from home or grabbing a nap with the baby.  Such perspective helps you balance the messes and tasks and prioritize and somehow get it all done. You get the energy to carry through to completion.
Two quick caveats here, lest I sound like "say the magic words, and God will make it all nice."  Notice the first few words of this paragraph:
"A pure, simple and steady spirit...."
and the phrase at the end:
free from all self-seeking.

Which is not to say that we we need to be selfless here:  Asking for help from The Lord is always selfish at some level.....but it's the good kind of humble selfishness. He asks us to reach out to Him and rely on Him.  So ask away!   It's His command!
"And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you...."Lk 11:9

Thank you for reading and praying along with me. 'Til next time, be Imitators of Christ!


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