Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Haughty, and Knotty, and Proud of it! Where are You Among the Billions and Billions?

Thomas opens Chapter two: On Having an Humble Opinion of One’s Self with the notion that we first have a natural desire to know things about our world, our selves, and He Who made us. Thomas’ caution goes back to the Garden of Eden, when Adam & Eve looked to the tree of knowledge and decided that they, too, should avail themselves of its fruit even though God told them not to pursue its fruits. While Thomas does not cite to Gn 2, the notion is the same:

Everyman naturally desires to know (or have knowledge), but what does knowledge profit you without the fear and respect of God?

Indeed a simple peasant that serves God is better than a proud scholar who watches the stars but neglects knowledge of himself. (see Sirach 19:20-21)

He who truly knows himself well is vile in his own eyes and is not delighted with being praised by others. If I should know all things that are in the world and should not be in charity (Rm 8:8, 1 Cor 13:2) how would it help me in the sight of God who will judge me by my deeds?

Thomas brings us to a comparison of a simple peasant who serves the Lord, compared with a haughty scholar who knows where the stars are in the night sky, but not of the One who made the stars. This reminded me of Carl Sagan.  God tells us that he will repay the haughty (see ps 31 below) in opposition to the protection of the loyal.  So snap out of it, you naughty haughty!

Thomas then calls us to bring our conscience into focus. If we are honest with ourselves, and know our own thoughts and our own history, we know that what Thomas is saying here is as true as St. Paul’s letter to Timothy (1 Tim 1: 13-15*) where Paul delineates his sins and calls himself chief among sinners. So that makes me at least second…Where are you on the list?

Next time, we’ll look see what Thomas has to say about heuristic algorithims….huh?

Thank you for reading and praying along with me. 'Til next time, be Imitators of Christ!


See also:  Psalm 31: 23-24

23 Once I said in my anguish, "I am shut out from your sight." Yet you heard my plea, when I cried out to you.

24 Love the LORD, all you faithful. The LORD protects the loyal, but repays the haughty in full.

25 Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD.

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