Monday, April 2, 2012

The Fourth Station: Jesus Meets His Mother

The Fourth Station: Jesus Meets His Mother

Recall this passage from ( Luke 2:33-35)

 "And His father and mother were marveling at the things spoken concerning Him. And Simeon Blessed them and said to Mary, His Mother: "Behold, this Child is destined for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and for a sign that shall be contradicted."

And turning to Mary he said: "and you, a sword will pierce your heart. That the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed."

Seven Sorrows of Mary
 Mary was at every significant event in the Life of Jesus. And while Scripture does not record her being on the route to Calvary, it does record her there AT the foot of the Cross  ( John 19:25-27)

Thomas a'Kempis raises Mary up as a model disciple.  She is the template of the devoted follower of Christ:
Book 4, CHAPTER 17
Of Fervent Love and Vehement Desire of Receiving Christ

The Voice of the Disciple

With the deepest devotion and fervent love, with all affection and fervour of heart, I long to receive Thee, O Lord, even as many Saints and devout persons have desired Thee in communicating, who were altogether well pleasing to You by their sanctity of life, and dwelt in all ardent devotion. O my God, Eternal Love, my whole Good, Happiness without measure, I long to receive You with the most vehement desire and becoming reverence which any Saint ever had or could have.

2. And although I be unworthy to have all those feelings of devotion, yet do I offer You the whole affection of my heart, even as though I alone had all those most grateful inflamed desires. Yea, also, whatsoever things a pious mind is able to conceive and long for, all these with the deepest veneration and inward fervour do I offer and present unto You.  I desire to reserve nothing unto myself, but freely and entirely to offer myself and all that I have unto You for a sacrifice. O Lord my God, my Creator and Redeemer! with such affection, reverence, praise, and honour, with such gratitude, worthiness, and love, with such faith, hope, and purity do I desire to receive Thee this day, as Thy most blessed Mother, the glorious Virgin Mary, received and desired Thee, when she humbly and devoutly answered the Angel who brought unto her the glad tidings of the mystery of the Incarnation.  "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word (Lk 1:38)."....
4. Receive my prayers, O Lord my God, and my desires of giving You infinite praise and unbounded benediction, which, according to the multitude of Your unspeakable greatness, are most justly due unto You. I give these to You, and desire to give every day and every moment; and with pleadings and affectionate
desires I call upon all celestial spirits and all Your faithful people to join with me in rendering You thanks and praise....

Until next time.

Thanks for praying along with me.

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