Saturday, June 23, 2012

Fortnight For Freedom: Imitating Christ in Times of Tribulation

Heading toward Independence Day (That's the "Fourth of July"), the Church is under attack.  Our religious freedoms are being infringed upon by our government. 

Make no mistake, I love this country, and have served her and the government.  I find it extraordinary that this government would surgically strike at the foundations of its existence.  This country was founded upon religious freedom....defined by it even.

Through the lens of history, we can see how such government actions which start at a kernel of infringement soon eat away at all aspects of worship.

March fofr Life 2012
 So, I publicly oppose the initiatives by the government to force us into unconstitutional, unjust laws, such as the providing of those reproductive services (rather...anti-reproductive services), which are contrary to our faith as Christians.  The shell-game of pushing this mandate onto the insurance providers instead of the church directly is no different than handing the instrument of death to an assassin and then claiming innocence upon the death of the intended victim.

As we move forward in this "Fortnight for Freedom" we must imitate Christ by:
  1. Praying...a lot.  Especially for our government leaders.
  2. Attending "Fortnight for Freedom" events.  Check with your local church or diocese.
  3. Call or write your member of Congress and U.S.Senate.  Tell them what you know and how you feel.
  4. Register to vote...then vote!  Elections are less than 135 days away (Nov 6, 2012).  Run with this issue all the way down the ballot. 
Here's a meditation from Book 3, Chapter 29: 
How We Should Call Upon God and Bless Him in Time of Tribulation.
"Disciple:  Lord, may Your holy Name be blessed forever, for You have willed to send me this temptation and tribulation.  I cannot escape it, and so I must fly to You for protection.  You alone can help me and turn all to my good.

Lord, even now I am in trouble and my heart is uneasy, for I am harassed  by my present affliction.  And now, my  beloved Father, what shall I say?  I am caught in anguish on every side.  'Save me from this hour?  But it was for this that I came to this hour (Jn 12:27),' that You might be glorified when I am properly humbled and delivered by You.

Please, dear Lord, Deliver me, for what can I do and where shall I go without you, (Jn 6:68), wretched sinner that I am?  Lord, give me patience this time too.  Help me, O my God, and I will no longer fear or dread whatever troubles befall me." 

St Thomas More
 St. Thomas More, St. John Fisher, pray for us!

St. John Fisher
 Until next time:

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