Friday, July 27, 2012

A Happy Death? Is This An Oxymoron?

St. Joseph - Patron Saint of
a Happy Death
 Thomas a'Kempis taught that you can have a happy death.  This is not an oxymoron.  It's a practiced discipline.  Thomas lists how this is possible by putting aside the lures of our current culture, practising the virtues and walking solidly in the faith through reception of the Sacraments. 

He then mentions how we need to be ready (as discussed last time) as more often than not, people who get sick seldom improve their spiritual disciplines.  The best time to plant a tree is 25 years ago!

Book 1, Chapter 23, paragraph 4.
4. Happy and wise are you when you strive to be prepared in this life as he desires to be found in death!

 For  it will give you great confidence of experiencing a happy death and a perfect rejection of the world, a fervent desire to advance in virtue, the love of discipline, a spirit of repentance,and a readiness to obey as we deny our self and submit to adversity for the love of Christ.

You may very well do good works while you are in good health, but when you are sick I do not know what good you will be able to do.

Few are improved by sickness: similarly, few who travel abroad seldom become holy.

When we imitate Christ, we will do these things automatically.

'Til next time, keep praying, and be Imitators of Christ!

So from here, stay on the path, be prepared and practice the spiritual disciplines. 

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