Sunday, November 4, 2012

How to Clean A Messy Room: Curb Your Passions and Imitate Christ

As Thomas gets into the meat of Chapter 25,  we should recall the previous paragraph, where he tells us that what's holding us back from a closer walk with The Lord is often times the dread of difficulty. 

Not to minimize this, but I instantly thought of my children struggling with cleaning up their room.  Especially when you cannot see the floor for the dirty laundry.  So I tell them to spend fifteen minutes working on the clothes, put in a load, and repeat.  And soon the project will be well on its way to completion.

In the same manner we know what we need to do to walk closer with Jesus.  The Holy Spirit is groaning for us to do so (Rm 8:26).

So Chapter 25 continues to offer ways to amend our lives: Recognize our passions, our "bent" and work on curbing these excesses. Running away from sinful occasions.  Imitating holy people.  Note those things that bother us about other people and endeavor to NOT enter into that activity ourselves.

Thomas then reminds us to honor our baptismal promise to love God with all of our heart, mind and soul (Dt 6: 4-5, Mark 12:29-31).

Book 1, Chapter 25, Amendment of Life, continued.

4. But we all do have not the same passions to conquer and to subdue, yet those who are diligent shall see more progress, even though one person may have stronger passions than another person who is more temperate but less fervent in the pursuit of virtue.

Two things particularly bring about improvement in holiness: namely the ability to firmly withdraw ourselves from the sins to which we are most inclined by nature, and earnestly to work toward that good which one wants most.

Strive to guard against and conquer those faults of your own which bother you  – that you see most often in others.

St Juan Diego's Image in the Eye of
Our Lady of Guadalupe

5. Turn all occasions to your spiritual profit wherever you are, and whenever you see or hear good examples, tell yourself to imitate these actions. But where you see anything which is sinful, take care that you do not imitate these actions; or if at any time you have entered into it, strive quickly to amend yourself. As your eyes observe others, so also are the eyes of others observing you.

How sweet and pleasant is it to see devout and godly believers who are temperate and of good discipline; and how sad it is and serious to see them walking in a disorderly manner, not practicing the duties to which they are called. How hurtful a thing it is to neglect the purpose of their calling, and turn their inclinations to things which are none of their business.

 6. Be mindful of the duties which you have undertaken, and set before you always the remembrance of the Crucified Christ (1 Cor 2:2). Truly you ought to be remorseful as you look upon the life of Jesus Christ, because you have not yet tried to conform yourself more to His pattern, although you have been a long time in the way of God.  Those who are religious, who conduct spiritual exercises seriously and devoutly in the most holy life and passion of our Lord shall find there abundantly all things that are profitable and necessary. There is no need to seek anything better beyond Jesus. Oh! if Jesus crucified would come into our hearts, how quickly, and completely would we learn all that we need to know!

Next time we will finish Chapter 25 and Book 1!  Thomas will tell us an easy way to overcome our faults.

Until then, thanks for reading and praying along with me.

Be imitators of Christ!

p.s.  Special prayers for my friend Greg, who is delivering a talk on metanoia today.

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