Friday, February 8, 2013

How Can I Get Others To Be Peaceful?

"Put up thy sword..." Jn 18:11, Keep yourself at peace and they you will be able to bring peace to others.           

Book 2, CHAPTER III:   The good, peaceful disciple.

Thomas opens this short chapter with a directive to be peaceful, so that others will "catch" the peace of your spirit.

He then tells us that we cannot let our passions rule us.  In modern parlance, to be "passionate" about something is good.  And so it is.  But here, Thomas is talking about a heated, unnatural lack of control, which turns into a sort of madness.  Thomas then compares the peaceful with the passionate, and advises us to take steps toward the peaceful, for ourselves and for others.  Lastly, he admonishes us to get our own act together before we start working on others.  Good advice.  I think I'll get started, what about you?

Keep yourself in peace, and then you will be able to bring peace to others.  The peaceful disciple does more good than those who are learned. 

Those who are passionate turn even good into evil and easily believe evil; whereas one who is good and peaceful converts all things into good. 

The disciple who dwells in peace, is not suspicious of anyone.

Jas: 5:16
But if you are discontent and restless, you are tossed about with many suspicions, and are neither quiet yourself nor allow others to be quiet.

You often say what you should not say, and omit what would be more expedient for you to do.  You consider what duties others are bound to perform, and yet neglect those to which you yourself are bound to perform.

Therefore be zealous first over yourself, and then you may righteously be zealous concerning your neighbors.

Until next time, thank you for praying with me, and reading along.  Be of peaceful hearts, and be imitators of Christ!

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