Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Joy of a Good Conscience

Book 2, CHAPTER VI; The Joy of a Good Conscience

Good Thomas a'Kempis was reportedly a joyful man - because he was a man of good conscience.  Today, 600 years later, his truisms and insight into our walk with Christ resonate deeply.  Thomas tells us to rejoice in our good works...which is quite different from bragging.  But rather this rejoicing in doing good for the love of one another, brings peace.  Indeed, the only thing we SHOULD glory in is the Cross of Christ.  More on that next post.

Until then, be Imitators of Christ!
The glory of a good conscience is the testimony of a good man (2 Cor 1:12).  Keep a good
conscience and you shall always have joy.

A good conscience is able to bear very much, and is very joyful in the midst of adversity. An evil conscience is always fearful and disquieted. You shall rest sweetly if your heart does not condemn you (Prov 3:24).

Never rejoice unless when you have done well. The wicked have never true joy, nor feel internal peace, for “there is no peace, says my God, to the wicked(Is 48:22).

And if they say "we are in peace, there shall be no harm that happens to us, and who shall dare to hurt us?" Do not believe them, for the wrath of God shall suddenly rise up against them, and their deeds shall be brought to nothing, and their projects shall perish.

2. To glory in tribulation is not hard to him that loves; for such glorying is glorying in the Cross of Christ (Gal. 6:14). That glory is short-lived which is given and received of men. The glory of the world is always accompanied by sadness and great sorrow. The glory of the good is in their conscience, and not in the mouths of others. The joy of the upright is from God and in God, and their joy is in the truth (1 Cor. 13:6).

Whoever desires true and eternal glory does not care for that which is temporal; and whoever seeks such worldly glory, or does not reject it from the heart, is proved to bear little love for that which is heavenly. The disciple who cares for neither praises nor reproaches has great tranquility of heart.

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