Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Fifth Station: Simon of Cyrene Helps Jesus to Carry His Cross

The Fifth Station

Simon of Cyrene Helps Jesus to Carry His Cross

We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You. (genuflect)

Because by Your Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

And when they had mocked Jesus, they took the purple cloak off and put His own clothes on Him.
and they led Him out to be crucified. Then they forced a certain passer-by, Simon of Cyrene, coming from the country, to take up His cross. They brought Jesus to the place called Golgotha, a name meaning the place of the skull'. (Mk 15:20-22)

With a loud voice I cry out to the Lord,
With a loud voice I beseech the Lord.
My complaint I pour out before Him; before Him I lay bare my distress.
When my spirit is faint within me, you know my path.
In the way along which I walk they have hid a trap for me.
I look to the right to see, but there is no one who pays me heed.
I have lost all means of escape;
There is no one who cares for my life. (Ps. 141:2-5)

Lord Jesus Christ, help us to see in the sufferings and shortcomings of our lives a share in Your Cross; strengthen and console us in the belief that we bear all things in union with You, Who have taken upon Yourself even our guilt. Amen.

Sing (in preparation for the Sixth Station):
Brave but trembling came the woman,
None but she would flaunt the Roman,
Moved by love beyond her fear.

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