Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Third Station: Jesus Falls the First Time

The Third Station

Jesus Falls The First Time

We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You. (genuflect)

Because by Your holy Cross You have redeemed the world.


If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before you. If you were of the world, the world would love what is its own. Because you are not of this world, but I have chosen you out the world, therefore the world hates you.

Remember the word that I have spoken to you: No servant is greater than his Master. If they have persecuted me, they will persecute you also. (John 15: 18-20). (kneel and pause)


Why are your clothes red,

and your garments like those of the wine presser?

“The wine press I have trodden alone,

and of my people there was no one with me.

I trod them in my anger, and I trampled them down in my wrath;

their blood spurted on my garments and I stained all my clothes.

I looked about, but there was no one to help,

I was appalled that there was no one to lend support;

so my own arm brought about the victory." (Is. 63:2-5)

O God, to free us from sin and weakness your Son, Jesus Christ, embraced His fearful passion and crucifixion. Strengthen us in our baptismal resolutions by which we renounced sin and Satan, so that through the passion of this life's sufferings we might rise to a new life of joyful service free of all selfishness. Amen.

Sing (in preparation for the Fourth Station):

Jesus met His grieving Mother,

She who made the Lord our Brother;

Now the sword her heart has pierced.

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