Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Dance of Wild Abandon: Letting Go and Letting God

When you free yourself to worship with your whole heart, mind and strength (Mk 12:30 & Dt 6:5), then you can be like King David.  Try it sometime!
8. King David, a devout servant of the Lord, danced before the Ark of Got with all his might (even with wild abandon) (2 Sam 6:14) commemorating the benefits bestowed in times past on his fathers. He made musical instruments of different kinds; he published Psalms, and appointed these to be sung with joy; he himself likewise often sang them, playing upon his harp, inspired with the grace of the Holy Spirit. He taught the people of Israel to praise God with their whole heart, and to join their voices in blessing and magnifying Him every day.
But that doesn't have to be you.  The more sedate approach is also allowed:

If such great devotion was then celebrated, and such remembrance of the praise of God before the Ark of the Covenant, how great ought to be the reverence and devotion to which I and all Christian people should have in the presence of this Blessed Sacrament, and in receiving the most excellent Body and Blood of Christ!
Here's the point - Letting yourself be steeped in the Presence of Almighty God can easily send you to either expression.  Letting go, and letting God pour through you will change you forever:  for eternity.

Thanks for reading and praying along with me.

'Til next time, be imitators of Christ!

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