Tuesday, July 12, 2011

History v. Mystery: How 30 Minutes Can Change Your Life!

Book 4, Chapter 1, Paragraph 4:  History v. Mystery
What if I would even spend one half-hour as I ought to reverencing Him!

This question above is how Thomas ends paragraph 4.  Read it again, then read the passage below.  Put yourself into the context of history.  The answer quickly presents itself:

Noah's Ark - link to wikipedia
 4. Behold Noah, a just man (Gen 6:9) labored one hundred years in building the Ark, that he, with his family, might be saved; and how shall I be able, in the space of one hour, prepare myself to receive with reverence the Maker of the world?

Ark of The Law-wikipedia link
 Moses, Your servant, Your great and special friend, made an Ark out of incorruptible wood, which he also covered with the purest gold, that he might deposit within the Ark the tables of the Law (Ex 25:8-16); and shall I, a corrupt creature, presume so easily to receive you – The Maker of the Law and the Giver of life?

Solomon's Temple -link to wikipedia
 Solomon, the wisest of the kings of Israel, spent seven years in building a magnificent Temple for the praise of Your name:  And he and his people then celebrated for eight days the feast of the dedication of the Temple; offering a thousand cattle and sheep as peace offerings, and brought the Ark of the Covenant in a solemn procession into the place prepared for it, with the sound of trumpets and jubilee (1 Kings 8:6). 
And I, a wretch, and the most unworthy servant, how shall I bring You into my house  who can hardly spend one half-hour devoutly?  What if I would even spend one half-hour as I ought!
Thomas once again brings us to a quick conclusion of where our hearts and minds and spirits ought to be.  He distills the answer for us through the filter of history.  He doesn't guilt us into being ashamed, rather, he challenges us to enter into devout worship of He Who gives us Himself....just for 30 minutes.  Both Thomas and The Lord, promise to change our life in this 30 minutes.

This week's challenge:  30 minutes of devout adoration.  Don't get up to adjust the shades, don't scratch the itch, don't answer the phone (unplug it in advance, turn it off). Prepare in advance (Thomas says, to prepare for an hour!).

Thank you for reading and praying along with me. 'Til next time, be Imitators of Christ!

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