Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Stations of the Cross Jesus is Condemned to Death


Before each station the Minister indicates the following prayer with a genuflection-

 We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you.
All Respond:
Because by Your Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

First Station

The First Station (Traditional) Jesus is Condemned to Death:

"The chief priests with the elders and the scribes, that is, the whole Sanhedrin, held a council. They bound Jesus, led him away, and handed him over to Pilate. Pilate questioned him, "Are you the king of the Jews?" He said to him in reply, "You say so." The chief priests accused him of many things. Again Pilate questioned him, "Have you no answer? See how many things they accuse you of." Jesus gave him no further answer, so that Pilate was amazed.... Pilate, wishing to satisfy the crowd, released Barrabas... [and] handed [Jesus] over to be crucified.   (Mark 15: 1-5, 15)

Minister:  Lord, grant us discernment that we may see as you see, not as the world sees.

Reflection: Book 3; CHAPTER 36
Against Vain Judgments

"My Child, anchor your soul firmly upon God, and do not fear man's

judgment, when conscience pronounces you holy and innocent.

It is good and blessed thus to suffer; nor will it be grievous to
the humble hearted, and to those which trust in God more than in

"Who art you, that you should be afraid of a man that shall die? (Is 51:12)  Today he is, and to-morrow his place is not found upon the earth.

Fear God, and you shall not be afraid before the terrors and threats of men.

What can any man do against you by words or deeds? He hurts himself more than you.  He shall not escape the judgment of God, no matter his station in life. 

Always have God before your eyes, and do not contend with fretful words (2 Tim 2:14). And if for the present you seem to give way, and to suffer undeserved confusion, do not be angry at this, nor by impatience, lest you diminish your reward; but rather look up to Me in heaven, for I am able to deliver you
from all confusion and hurt, and to render to every man according to his works." (Mt 16:27)

Until next time, be imitators of Christ!

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