Friday, March 1, 2013

How Can Purity & Simplicity Penetrate Heaven?

Book 2, Chapter 4: Of a pure mind and simple intention

In this chapter, Thomas keeps it simple and pure. So I'll keep it simple as well. Thomas lays out for us how these two virtues make our walk in holiness self evident.  The purity of fine music, or as evidenced by the beauty of nature can quickly deliver us into the presense of Almighty God.  As easily as a bird in flight. The only thing holding us back from the journey is --our selves.
With two wings is a disciple lifted above earthly things: that is, with
simplicity and purity.

Simplicity ought to be in the intention, purity in the affection.

Simplicity reaches towards God, purity takes hold of Him and tastes Him (John 6:35; Matt 26:26-27).

You will not be hindered by good action if you are free from unhealthy affections. If you reach after and seek only the will of God and the benefit of your neighbor, you will enjoy inward liberty.

When your heart is right, then every creature will act as a mirror of life and a book of holy doctrine. There is no creature so small and vile that cannot yet manifest to us the goodness of God (Rm 8:19; Ps 98:4-8; Acts 9:18).

2. If you were good and pure within, then you would you look upon
all things without hurt and understand them rightly.

A pure heart penetrates heaven and hell.

As you are inwardly, so you judge outwardly. If there is any joy in the world surely the disciple who is of pure heart possesses this joy, and if there is tribulation and anguish anywhere, the evil conscience feels the best of it (Rm 11:9).

As iron cast into the fire loses rust and is made all glowing, so the believer who turns wholly to God is freed from laziness and changed into a new disciple (Prv 27:17; 1Cor 3:13-15)
3. When a believer begins to grow lukewarm (Rev 3:16), the fear of a little labor develops, and soon outward consolation is accepted; but when the task is set to conquer one’s self and to walk courageously in the way of God, then you may count as nothing those things which before seemed to be so difficult to you.

Until next time,  Be Imitators of Christ!

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