Sunday, December 9, 2012

I Am The Way: Book II of The Imitation of Christ

Book II of The Imitation of Christ
Admonitions Concerning Interior Things

An Overview:
This book is the shortest of the four, but no less important.  We've just finished Book One, where we got a grip on sorting through our vanities, the world, and what it means to seek God's Will as His follower.  In fact the last chapter was on amending our lives through facing our more sinful propensities and then turning these propensities into moments of self-conversion.  Usually this is accomplished more readily by service to God by service to others.

In short, Book One got us on the right path.  Book One got us into answering the question "What must I do to be a follower of Christ?" In Thomas' world, book one got us into the abbey as an acolyte.

In Book Two, Thomas will ask us to look deeper into our very soul for interior conversation and conversion ("The Kingdom of God is within you!" Lk 17:21).

Now that we've rejected the world out-right, Book Two deals with our self-submission, peacefulness, purity, self consideration, having a good conscience, loving Jesus, befriending Jesus, desiring grace over comfort, and being grateful for that grace. 

At the end of Book Two, Thomas talks about the small numbers of those who love the cross of Christ, and then deals with this notion by examining the Royal Way of the Cross. (During Lent, we will take a detour and use these two chapters in our meditations on the Way of the Cross).

From here we progress to Book Three on Interior Consolation, which is the longest book, and for good reason. Book Four will examine the Holy Eucharist.

But for now, we will turn our attention to Book Two and see what we can find out about how we are going to turn our hearts over to Him, who is Love. 

In this book, we will resolve to subdue our senses and get rid of the vain distractions of mind and body and spirit.  We will learn to open the door to The Spirit, to guard our heart from those things that do not promote the love of Christ within us.  And as we imitate Him in embracing our cross, we will learn to walk the royal way of the cross.

Until next time, when we will look at Chapter One, thank you for reading and praying along with me.

Be imitators of Christ!  Especially as we walk deeper through Advent toward Christmas.

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