Thursday, December 20, 2012

The King of Hearts Wantts to Talk with You


CHAPTER I: Of the Interior Conversation

“The kingdom of God is within you,”(Lk 17:21) says the Lord. Turn

Jesus and the Rich Young Man
 with all your heart to the Lord and forsake this miserable world, and you shall find rest unto your soul (Joel 2:12 &tc). Learn to despise outward things and to give yourself to things inward, and you shall see the kingdom of God come within you. For the kingdom of God is peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, and it is not given to  the wicked. Christ will come to you, and show you His consolation, if you prepare a worthy mansion for Him within you. All His glory and beauty is from within, and there it pleases Him to dwell. He often visits the inward disciple and holds there sweet discourse, giving soothing consolation, much peace, and exceedingly wonderful friendship.

Abraham is Visited by Angels
2. Go then, faithful soul, prepare your heart for the Bridegroom that He may safely to come to you and dwell within you, for so He says, if any love me and will keep my words: “my Father will love you, and we will come to you and make our abode with you.”(Jn 14:23) Give, therefore,  primary place to Christ and refuse entrance to all others. When you have Christ, you are rich, and have fulfillment. Christ shall be your provider and faithful watchman in all things, so that you have no need to trust in others, for they will soon change and swiftly pass away, but Christ remains forever and stands by us firmly even to the end.

In this second book, Thomas opens with a bold statement that the Kingdom of God is within us. We really have no excuses as The Lord has revealed Himself to us through the Natural Law, through our ethical inclinations, through the goodness we see in each other. So Thomas calls us to listen closely to what the Spirit of The Lord is telling us. Turn down the noise of the world.

Like Abraham, God will visit us at our very homes, both figurative and literal. We have to invite Him in.  Go ahead and put up the crucifix, a holy water fountain, a picture of some sacred scene from the Bible.  Put the Bible out in a place of honor....then read it!

Clean out your house by going to Confession.  How much more intimate can you get than telling God of your heavy heart and then receiving Holy Communion? Jesus is the King of Hearts!

My prayer for us during this Year of Faith is that we look to these two key Sacraments to strenghthen us on our journey, our pilgrimage (click here for the plenary indulgence offered in conjunction with the Year of Faith). 

Until next time, be Imitators of Christ!

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