Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A Pilgrim's Progress: Imitating Christ

Book 2:  Chapter 1, Interior Conversation, continued.

The conversation this week turns to detaching ourselves from seeking the high opinion of others.  It is only in trusting God that we will find fulfillment.  Thomas tells us to be like pilgrims and wanderers, expecting nothing but the journey.  And what is the remedy Thomas suggests?  Prayer and contemplation of the wounds of Christ.  He then dares us to complain or whine.  Rather, Thomas calls us to face our adversity by hiding ourselves in the wounds of Christ.

3. There is no great trust to be placed in a frail mortal followers, even though you might be useful and dear to our community (Ps 146:2-3), neither should much sorrow arise within our community if sometimes you oppose and contradict the community. Those who are on your side today, may tomorrow be against you, and often are turned around like the wind.

Therefore, put your whole trust in God and let Him be your fear and your love. He will answer for you Himself, and will do for you what is best (Jer 17:7). Here you have no continuing city(Heb 13:14), and wherever you are, you are a stranger and a pilgrim, and you shall never have rest unless you are closely united to Christ

4. Why do you cast your eyes here and there, since this is not the place of your rest?  Heaven should be your home, and all earthly things should be looked upon as if these were passing by.  All things pass away and you with them. Look that you do not cleave these things or else you will be taken with them and perish.  Let your contemplation be on the Most High God, and let your ceaseless supplications be directed to Christ.  If you cannot behold high and heavenly things, rest in the passion of Christ and dwell willingly in His sacred wounds.  For if you devoutly direct your attention to the wounds of Jesus, and the precious marks of the nails and the spear, you shall find great comfort in tribulation, nor will the slights of others trouble you much, and you will easily bear their unkind words.

5. When Christ was in the world, He was despised and rejected, and in His greatest necessity was left by His acquaintance and friends to bear these reproaches.  How will you be the Christ’s friend if you are unwilling to face any adversity? Therefore, sustain yourself with Christ and for Christ if you will reign with Christ.
• Christ willingly suffered and was despised: dare you complain of anything?

• Christ had many adversaries and detractors: do you wish to have everyone as your friends and benefactors?

  • When will your patience receive its crown if you never encounter any adversity?

From here, Thomas will take us deeper into the conversation, by challenging us to enter into Christ's burning love, and chasing wisdom.
Thanks for reading and praying along with me today.
Until then, be Imitators of Christ!


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